Monday, April 23, 2012

Making mountain out of mole hill

PM on Facebook: 29,200 'likes'... and counting
Apr 22, 2012

A day after its launch that saw thousands of netizens clicking on the thumbs-up icon in support, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's Facebook page continued to draw 'likes' on Saturday.

By midnight, the number of 'likes' had crossed 29,200, doubling what he had on Day 1.

His Twitter account, set up at the same time, had more than 7,100 followers.

PM Lee also showed a determination to stay active online: Late last night, he posted messages on Facebook and Twitter, describing what he had done in the evening. 'Just returned from AMK (Ang Mo Kio). Was at a Welcome Party at Teck Ghee Vista, and an MUP (Main Upgrading Programme) Completion at Teck Ghee Grandeur,' he wrote on Facebook. He then went on to talk a bit more about what happened.

I can't believe the main stream media persistence on this piece of news.

I been seeing this old news for at least 2 days, updating the readers how many followers and likers Hsien Loong has.

I wonder how many the 3 legs from the grass roots?

Ok ok we all know Hsien Loong has his own Facebook page and Twitter account and many many people “Like” him.

My point is “SO WHAT”?

So what if you have 1 millions Likes on you Facebook and 2 millions followers in Twitter?

Just do your job properly and engage the citizens, listen and try to do some good for the nation. Then people will definitely LIKE you for who you are and not some virtual Likes in a virtual space.